Thursday, August 28, 2008

Give me a break yo!!

HAHAH.. . Give me a break yo!! man i travel the whole day today.. Left the house at 8.30 send mom to work then went to the gym and then reach home at 10am then mandi then left the house at 10.30 and drove down to melacca with my grandpa to check up.. Waited from 12 till 2pm then the doc told me grandpa to stay in the hospital to check on his heart.. Hope that he will be alrite.. Then after tat drove back from melacca then went to inti to get my unconditional letter which was not ready!! Damn i need to do visa man.. Sien.. I need the letter.. Now only left visa after visa book ticket send arrival then i can start packing.. UK then here i come.. Am exicted in the sence that i can be in the uk but at the same time i will miss alot of ppl in malaysia especially my family and frens.. Thankz for the accompany all this while!! Especially my dear dear grace everytime i call her out in seremban she will sure be free de and then she will accompany me go do my stuff.. Not once but alot of times ady.. thankz my dear grace.. Muackz... Now hope that my grandpa will be fine!!

Monday, August 25, 2008


War today dunno why mood super down.. Whole day outside preparing visa stuff and help my bro fix computer.. then check up sumore.. Haiz.. really fan fan fan .. Just one word.. Frustrating man.. Change mood soon ya.. And oh ya i bought a new camera... AHHA.. Super nice because it is pink colour.. Sony t-album.. Ah ya!! HAHAHA.. nice!! HEHHE..

A-Famosa 2008

This time around a-famosa trip with my cousins.. HAHAH.. Last time before my sister leave to the uk we went for a pd trip.. HAHA. This time a-famosa trip.. The 8 of us the eldest my sister's bf *sontze* then my sister *jennifer* then my ah ye de bf *jin yong* and herself *pe swen* then myself *jenna* then my cousin bro *keng seng* and his sister *ji ying* and my little bro *jeffrey* the 8 of us left seremban on saturday early in the morning but they came over on friday nite after havin dinner in my grandmum's house... We slept at like around 1 plus watchin ka hou yuet yuen then woke up at around 8 sumthing ate dim sum with my parents then we left seremban.. Police road block sien.. everywhere also road block.. HAHAHA.. Sontze drive tak kena block i drive kena block pulak.. Tak syok.. HAHA.. Ok lets get back to the trip man.. HAHAH.. We reach a-famosa then check in but only can check in like 4pm so we went to register first then went to the water park then only go check in lor.. AHHA.. Everyone change then one locker tak cukup then we had two locker to shove in all our stuff.. HAHAHA.. Then say this take that dun take.. Quite funny though.. Then we started our trip went through all the slides and i mean all the slides even the highest one.. AHHA.. then after tat the wave pool then tired le then went back.. Reach the villa ady we played mafia.. AHHAHA.. As usual i am always the noisy one then when i get the mafia card i also dunno how to bluff no matter wat i say also no use coz they will still vote me out coz i am too noisy.. HAHHA.. Dun make noise also they feel curious and say i am the mafia.. So hard to play man.. HAHA... and then my dear bro always with his jokes always careless and our dear ah ye always blur.. SPY SPY wake up!! Throw tissue jump back on chair everyone also noe she is the spy ady.. AHHAH. funny man. AHHAHa.. Then mafia time pass super fast then went to the cowboy town.. Cowboy town ok lor.. AHAHA... I jadi princess!! HAHAHa.. Sakai princess coz i was the loudest i guess. HAHA.. Dun wish to elaborate more on it.. HAHHA.. Then after tat went back sleep then next morning went safari.. Change alot ady though.. AHHA... One thing was that we never understood wat the emcee's were saying it was either an indian style of english or bahasa style.. AHHA.. Funny man..HAHA.. Then after tat went back to seremban parade or we call it parkson to play bowling.. HAHA,.. 8 of us having different names.. Sontze *goat* Jennifer *snoopy* Jin Yong *digi man* Pe Swen *blur blur* Jenna *water horse* Keng Seng *sleepy dude* Ji Yin *seahorse* Jeffrey *noob* and we had alot of fun.. AAHAHa...

Taiwan 2008

Well taiwan trip was just alrite besides shopping for clothes and looking out for handsome dudes nothing special there.. HAHHA.. I think Malaysia is a better place to visit.. ^.^.. 6 of us went and only 4 of us can speak but non of us can really read accept for my grandparents they can read a little.. HAHA.. So it was kinda hard communicating with them but still can tahan lar.. HAHA.. At least can understand abit lor.. AHHA... So it was an ok ok trip only.. Nothing so exciting only the fact tat i went with my family so did enjoy though.. HEHEHE.. Went from monday till thursday lor.. Nothing much lor.. ^.^.. Just one family photo without my elder sister..

Monday, August 18, 2008


First day of my holiday and i hung out with my secoundary sch frens siew ping, ah thong and mei shu.. HAHHAHa.. Thankz dear.. HAHAHA. I noe u guys have been like asking me alot of times when i am free.. HAHAH.. sorry ya always teman my college frens langsung no time to teman u guys.. EHEHE.. only give u this time to teman u guys.. EHHE. but happy also coz u all got time to teman me..HAHHA.. Thankz dears.. HAHAHHA.. Sing ktv together.. AHHAHA.. 4 half banana ppl sing k but wanna sing chinese song wor.. HAHAH.. Siew ping u geng can find chinese song.. HAHAH.... Guess guess also can let u guess de.. THank you le.. HEHHEe.. The last few songs super high.. HAHA. i think u all noe wat songs we choose lar.. AHHAH.. Happy le today de sing k time.. HAHAHAH.. Little ppl lagi syok.. AHAha...

Mei shu dun always so blur le.. JEHE. From last time until now still so blur but hor dear let me tell u one thing tat u did change, u really look very much prettier compared to last time.. EHHE. My pretty dear mei shu... HAHAHa.. Do take care of urself ok.. Dont be to innocent ya ok. HEHE.. Enjoy ur University life ok. EHEHE.. I will alwyas online.. anything u can find me de.. no prob.. HEHEE... Take care dear..

Ah thong.. First time seeing u dress up like tat.. DEar try to dress more like a girl ok.. EHHEHE.. Really do hope there wil be changes from u when i come back from london.. HEHEH.. but u will still always be one of my closest fren.. dun worry.. HEHEE. i will never forget u.. HEHE.. Dun alwyas get into too much relationship problem ok.. HEHEHE.. Do take care ok.. HEHEH...

Siew ping dear.. U are actually one of my best fren which i can share like nearly everything with u le.. Really thankz for standing beside me for so long le.. I just feel we have this sister bonding between us tat nobody can break.. HEHE.. Dear.. Thankz for everything.. I am glad tat in my life, my journey, my story and u are in it.. HEHE.. Leaving alot of footprints along the journey.. Thankz for standing by me all the time.. My dear u must enjoy ur life ya.. I noe wat u are going through is very tough i may not understand becoz i m not in ur shoes but i will try my very best to help u as much as i can.. Mydear if there is anything tat u need help in the future u can alwyas come to me i will alwyas stand by u as how u always stand by me..

Wei pang and jing yi although this blog langsung u guys are tak related but since i meet u guys in jusco and i paksa u all take pic hugging each other and i send u guys to terminal 1 to take u all punya bus just wanna wish u guys happy forever ya.. EHHEHE.. Take care.. HEEH... no more sakai jenna in inti lor.. AHHAH..

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Finals finally over!!

35 marks gone.. Damn!! Shit!!! I have no idea how to do a question which is like 35 marks.. Worried sick rite now.. Just prayin for the best and hoping for the best.. Just hope i can pass this time.. At first i was thinking of scoring high marks for this paper but i dun think it is possible rite now... Maybe it is also my fault though.. Should have studied even harder instead of regretting rite now.. Well the only thing i can do now is just wait for the results and at the mean time enjoy myself till then... Taiwan, a-famosa, ipoh, result collection and then johor here i come!! Packed schedule this month.. After all this trip then VISA VISA VISA... No time to play play then.. HOPE EVERYTHING WILL BE FINE!!!!

Well that is the nagging part, here comes the part rite after my exam.. PACKING TIME...
I was clearing my room today and i have no idea i have so many stuffs in my room.. I only stayed on campus like for 2 semesters and yet i have 10 bags to carry.. Damn tiring today after packing and LIFTING those 10 BAGS up and down LEVEL 4!!!! GREAT EXERCISE though.. I best i lost a few pounds in like 30 minutes.. ^.^.. Eventually i was suppose to wait for my sister till 4pm and then follow her back but then i cannot imagine wat can i do in INTI 5 hours without anybody there to accompany me... Emily and xuxu went out with their frens, pei yin was already packing and on her way home, bao jing and mega had a paper at 5 pm which is still goin on as i am here blogging so i decided to call my dad to come pick me up.. Well clearing my room aint easy especially my notice board.. Alot of memories taking them down one by one just made me recalled the moments when i put them up.. Tears rolling down my check now just because of the memories but also because i just finished my last paper and i din do well in it.. I am really happy though tat emily and xuxu stood by me.. When i was crying emily came hugging me and tat really felt warm from inside to outside.. I really felt that god have given me a chance to noe these ppl who stood by me for so long.. Thank you so much.. HAHAH.. Quite emotional these few days especially this week.. Just a few minutes back i was watching the drama when a dog loves a cat i was cryin like nobody's business my first time cryin so badly watchin drama.. Man.. Really emo.. Monday leaving malaysia off to taiwan until then i will stop here and update my blog again when i get back from taiwan.. All the best my frens.. Keep in touch ya.. ^.^

Thursday, August 14, 2008


Just started my finals for this sem although is like only two papers but then it seems like a very huge huge heavy bag full of alot of things.. HAHAHA.. This is like one of the most i have no idea wat to say.. Whole week have been sneezing then not only tat abit coughing somemore.. Then emily also cough my ah mei also cough only xuxu din cough.. AHAH.. But still haiz, this whole week and the week before i have been spending alot of time with my closest frens bao jing, mega, emily, xuxu and pei yin.. Leaving inti soon le.. The more time i spend wif my frens the more heavy hearted of me leaving inti.. I will miss the time at bakery with mega and bao jing and studyin in the library with ah ko and warehouse and our steamboats with bao yu and wai mae and also not forgetting yen ling.. Miss her so much also.. Now understand how she feels le when she is about to leave to australia... HAHHA..

Then not forgetting my xuxu, emily and pei yin.. Stayin with u guys in the same block really gives me alot of memories to go on with.. HAHA.. My finals will be very stressful if not because of u guys i think i will burst by this time and mayb u wont see a happy jenna le.. AHHA.. Thankz for all the places u guys have brought me too really alot of places especially emily u really geng.. HAHAHA.. Then besides goin shabu shabu makan still ada pergi KLIA study for finals.. Sot de!! HAHAA.. But still great memories i dun think i can do all this in the UK....

People do alwyas tell me that college life is the best and i think wat they say is true if u have frens that can play with you, hang out with you, bear the stressfulness with you and have laughter and jokes with you, then yes college life is awesome.. Cherish the time, the moment u can spend with ur frens.. U cant turn back time.. This is for sure so once the opportunity is gone then there is not point crying and asking back for the time that you have missed so cherish every moment, every second of ur life my dear frens.. How u want ur life to go it is all in ur hands.. The story of ur own life is written by ur own hands.. Do not regret on anything tat you do my dear frens.. Take care and keep in touch ya.. HEHEHE.

Monday, August 11, 2008


Wow pei yin my dear little sister.. HAHA.. Nearly every post also u did leave a comment le.HAHHA. So gam tung.. EHHE.. thankz dear for standing by me always.. HEHE.. Dun worry i noe when and what to do my dear.. U too ok.. HEHEH.. Dun always play the computer and not study ya.. HEHEHE.. Now still can jaga you when i leave to uk liao then how leh?? AHHAA.. But no worries sitll got xuxu and emily they all mar.. HEHE.. Let me just tell u a story what we had done recently.. Yesterday the four of us, xuxu, emily, pei yin and I went to shabu-shabu for dinner.. Xuxu had a paper today and still we went to shabu-shabu for dinner.. Man we left inti at 7.30 then came back at 10.30.. Shit never ever gonna do that again, but it was fun though.. HAHAH.. We actually at first wanted to go to aunty aini's for dinner then when we reached the round about i forgot who suggested to idea of goin to shabu shabu then some of us were hestitating having emily as the driver, she drove at the round about for a few times i think we were at the round ab0ut for 7 rounds just to make up our mind where to go.. There were 3 options, 1st we just drive to aunty aini, 2nd we go back to inti, take our books and go shabu shabu and 3rd we go straight to shabu shabu.. Damn and of this three choices we choose the 3rd choice damn, pei yin and xuxu took their books but me and emily did not but no matter we reached shabu shabu and we had to wait for 20 minutes as there were alot of ppl.. HAHA.. then we meet a cute little boy there. HAHAH.. sitting rite behind emily and emily even took a picutre with him..

Before we sat as i said we waited for 20 minutes so we took pictures.. AHHAA.. Crazy pictures but all in the memory..AHAHa..

I think this will be the last time for this year that i am goin to do such things with my crazy frens.. Hehe. Goin to miss this few people when i leave to the uk.. HAHAH.. STUDY STUDY not go shabu shabu and eat.. HAHA.. But man it was really nice.. HAHAHA.. we ate alot alot.. Imagine girls eating alot.,. AHHAH.. You can seldom find but we are the specialties because we eat as much as we want and also do keep fit lar of course but we are happy when we eat.. HAHA.. All the pork meat.. HAHA.. Japanese squid.. Nice.. HAHA.. Then pei yin soup taste like vege soup, mine taste like seafood taufu, emily's soup taste the best and xuxu's soup was the worst.. Langsung tak ada taste.. HAHAH.. But all in we all had a great time.. Now continue with my studies lor.. Thursday MGT349 ar then saturday ACC318.. Gamabateh Jenna!! Gambateh my frens!!!

Saturday, August 9, 2008


Finally got back my straight hair no longer curly oh ya!! HAHAHA>.<>. GAmabteh in finals lor!!

Friday, August 8, 2008


Haha.. Olympic is about to start!!! And i am about to run!! AHHA.. Run but not in the olyimpics but run away from my life!! AHHAA.. I dunno wat is happening to me.. Finals is like next thursday and i am still lazying around hanging around playing and fooling around.. *slap slap* Wake up man!! FINALS IS NEXT WEEK!! Damn.. I cant afford to fail any of my subs.. Touch wood *choi choi*... Well hope everything goes fine and i do really hope tat i can really work hard for it. I noe i can i noe i can i just need someone to push me and to tell me wat is important... Let me noe and let me understand wat to do and wat not to do, what to think and what not to.. Live life to the max!! Heard of it?? AHHAA.. Stay happy, smile always and yes, everything will be fine.. THankz my ah mei always drop comment on my blog.. HAHAH.. Muackz.. Dun worry i will update my blog more often when i leave to the uk.. Plenty of time then.. Good luck in finals myh friends.. ^.^

Monday, August 4, 2008


Thankz to those who attended my farewell party.. Paise le mafan u guys all the way from inti down to seremban.. But i am really happy to c u all here le.. HEHE... Really thank you guys. AHHA.. Actually i was still hestitating whether or not should i do this party coz until rite now i am actually still not confirmed yet i will be leaving to london i still have to sit for my finals and of course i need to pass it and then visa being approved only confirm i am leaving but i hope it wont be an obsticle though... Hoping for the best this term, pressured by parents everytime i am back at my house during the weekends, the only thing my parents ask of is, "Did you study???" Man i dunno wat to answer them anymore.. I told them yes but they dun belief but they still wanna ask and ask and ask.. Phew!!! If they dun get bored with asking i am tired of answering. Well the only way to prove to them is my results this sememster.. Hope to do good.. My dear frens in INTI all the best in ur finals alrite.. And my dear secoundary sch frens all the best in ur universities!! I miss u guys.. And thankz for everything!!!