Wednesday, August 12, 2009


It is august now and i can feel the summer sun shinning in the UK once again.. It have been a long time since i saw sun, the whether was not expected to be so wet throughout the summer. Some even predict that this year, UK will have heatwave, well it does not seem so... Hope so the weather will be this sunny for the whole week..
Well the past 4 days, penny and kong came down to hatfield because penny will be going back this sunday.. Well the truth is that i am missing penny ady.. To tell the truth, i was not close to penny at all back in malaysia although we are in the same HOC family member but i was never close to her only being here in the UK made me understand her more and make me cherish her more being my fren, not just fren but my close fren... Sharing things with her makes me feel very warm inside.. Although i know i am not the bestest fren that one can have but i am glad that i was not left out... I admit i may sometimes be selfish and might not think about other ppl first before myself but i am really glad that my frens always remember me.. Penny dear, you will be going back this sunday and i am really happy that you came down here to hatfield to spend some time with us before going back.. I am really happy to have you around the house the past 4 days.. REALLY!! I will miss you alot when u go back.. U NOE WHY!!!! COZ YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE TAT WONT ZAT ME ALL THE TIME!!!! HAHAHA.. I will miss you my dear penny.. do take care.. Muackz..


wwh said...


Dino said...

dun emo lo, penny will see u in malaysia